The Little Bookroom
“In the home of my childhood there was a room we called ‘The Little Bookroom.’ . . . That dusty bookroom, whose windows were never opened . . . opened magic casements for me through which I looked out on other worlds . . . worlds filled with poetry and prose and fact and fantasy. . .” —Eleanor Farjeon
In The Little Bookroom, Eleanor Farjeon mischievously tilts our workaday world to reveal its wonders and follies. Her selection of her favorite stories describes powerful—and sometimes exceedingly silly—monarchs, and commoners who are every bit their match; musicians and dancers who live for art rather than earthly reward; and a goldfish who wishes to “marry the Moon, surpass the Sun, and possess the World.”
by Eleanor Farjeon, illustrated by Edward Ardizzone, afterword by Rumer Godden